姓名 |
龚静 |
性别 |
女 |
职称 |
教授 |
学位 |
博士 |
电话 |
邮箱 |
gong.jing@mail.hzau.edu.cn |
政治面貌 |
中共党员 |
工作单位 |
bat365官网登录入口bat365官网登录入口 |
研究方向 |
遗传与生物信息学、多组学数据分析 |
教育经历 |
2003.09-2008.06 华中科技大学,预防医学系,医学学士 2008.09-2013.06 华中科技大学,生物信息学系,工学博士 |
主要职历 |
2013.07-2015.06 华中科技大学,公共卫生学院,博士后 2015.07-2017.12 华中科技大学,公共卫生学院,讲师 2016.04-2018.04 美国,德克萨斯大学休斯顿健康科学中心(UThealth),访问学者 2018.01-2018.09 华中科技大学,公共卫生学院,副教授,硕士生导师 2018.09-至今 bat365官网登录入口,bat365官网登录入口,教授,博士生导师 |
科研成果 |
龚静教授长期从事遗传变异相关的生物信息学分析及功能研究,通过整合遗传学、生物信息学及分子生物学等多学科方法与技术,在人类遗传变异功能解析方向取得了如下成绩: (1)发展了“非编码区域功能型遗传变异鉴定”技术体系,系统分析了多种癌症中遗传变异对甲基化、可变剪切及基因表达的调控和影响,鉴定了大量的功能性遗传变异位点并构建了多个高质量的数据共享平台。 (2)整合遗传变异和ncRNA数据,系统分析了遗传变异对miRNA、lncRNA结构和功能的影响,并搭建高被引数据平台。 (3)生物信息学与实验“干湿”结合,揭示了多个结直肠癌易感相关的新遗传变异位点和基因,拓展了遗传变异研究的广度和深度。 主持国家自然科学基金(青年和面上)、中国博士后基金等项目,作为骨干参与国家重点研发计划1项 。以第一作者或通讯作者在Annals of oncology、Nucleic Acids Research(10篇)、The American Journal of Human Genetics,Cell Reports、Briefings in Bioinformatics、European Journal of Cancer等杂志上发表SCI文章20多篇,引用2000多次,其中3篇论文被评为ESI高被引论文。获教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果二等奖(排名第三)、湖北省生物信息学会颁发的“李弘谦青年生物信息学家奖”及湖北省青年拔尖人才称号。 代表论文 1. Jiang Li, Yawen Xue, Muhammad Talal Amin, Yanbo Yang, Jiajun Yang, Wen Zhang, Wenqian Yang, Xiaohui Niu, Hong-Yu Zhang, and Jing Gong*. ncRNA-eQTL: a database to systematically evaluate the effects of SNPs on non-coding RNA expression across cancer types. Nucleic acids research. (2020) 48, D956-D963. (IF:19.2) 2. Yanbo Yang, Qiong Zhang, Ya-Ru Miao, Jiajun Yang, Wenqian Yang, Fangda Yu, Dongyang Wang, An-Yuan Guo*, and Jing Gong*. SNP2APA: a database for evaluating effects of genetic variants on alternative polyadenylation in human cancers. Nucleic acids research. (2020) 48, D226-D232. (IF:19.2) 3. Gong, J.#,Tian, J.#, Li, J., Gong, Y., Yang, Y., Zhu, Y., Zhang, Y., Zhong, R., Chang, J., Miao, X. A polymorphic MYC response element in KBTBD11 influences colorectal cancer risk, especially in interaction with a MYC regulated SNP rs6983267. Annals of oncology. (2018) 29(3), 632-639. (IF: 51.8) 4. Gong, J.#, Li, Y.#, Liu, C.J.#, Xiang, Y., Li, C., Ye, Y., Zhang, Z., Hawke, D.H., Park, P.K., Diao, L., Putkey, J.A., Yang, L., Guo, A.Y., Lin, C. and Han, L. A Pan-cancer Analysis of the Expression and Clinical Relevance of Small Nucleolar RNAs in Human Cancer. Cell reports, (2017) 21, 1968-1981. (IF: 9.9, 2017.11.14 Volume 21, Issue 7, 封面文章,引用155次) 5. Gong, J., Mei, S., Liu, C., Xiang, Y., Ye, Y., Zhang, Z., Feng, J., Liu, R., Diao, L., Guo, A.Y., Miao, X., and Han, L. PancanQTL: systematic identification of cis-eQTLs and trans-eQTLs in 33 cancer types, Nucleic Acids Research. (2018) 46, D971-D976. (IF:19.2, 引用119次)
其它一作或通讯作者文章 6. Yang J, Wang D, Yang Y, Jin W, Niu X*, Gong J*. A systematic comparison of normalization methods for eQTL analysis. Briefings in Bioinformatics. 2021 May. DOI: 10.1093/bib/bbab193. 7. Jin W., Zhu Q., Yang Y., Yang W., Wang D., Yang J., Niu X., Yu D.*, and Gong J*. Animal-APAdb: a comprehensive animal alternative polyadenylation database. Nucleic acids research. (2021) 49, D47-D54. 8. Gao Y., Yang Z., Yang W., Yang Y., Gong J.*, Yang Q. Y.*, and Niu X*. Plant-ImputeDB: an integrated multiple plant reference panel database for genotype imputation. Nucleic acids research. (2021) 49, D1480-D1488. 9. Wenqian Yang, Yanbo Yang, Cecheng Zhao, Kun Yang, Dongyang Wang, Jiajun Yang, Xiaohui Niu*, and Jing Gong*. Animal-ImputeDB: a comprehensive database with multiple animal reference panels for genotype imputation. Nucleic acids research. (2020) 48, D659-D667. 10. Jianbo Tian#, Jiang Chang#, Jing Gong#, Jiao Lou, Mingpeng Fu, Jiaoyuan Li, Juntao Ke, Ying Zhu, Yajie Gong, Yang Yang, Danyi Zou, Xiating Peng, Nan Yang, Shufang Mei, Xiaoyang Wang, Rong Zhong, Kailin Cai, and Xiaoping Miao*. Systematic functional interrogation of genes in GWAS loci identified ATF1 as a key driver in colorectal cancer modulated by a promoter-enhancer interaction. The American Journal of Human Genetics. (2019) 105, 29-47. 11. Gong, J., Liu, C., Liu, W., Xiang, Y., Diao, L., Guo, A.Y. and Han, L. (2017) LNCediting: a database for functional effects of RNA editing in lncRNAs. Nucleic acids research, 45, D79-D84. 12. Gong, J., Liu, W., Zhang, J., Miao, X. and Guo, A.Y. (2015) lncRNASNP: a database of SNPs in lncRNAs and their potential functions in human and mouse. Nucleic acids research, 43, D181-186. (ESI高被引论文) 13. Gong, J., Tong, Y., Zhang, H.M., Wang, K., Hu, T., Shan, G., Sun, J. and Guo, A.Y. (2012) Genome-wide identification of SNPs in microRNA genes and the SNP effects on microRNA target binding and biogenesis. Human mutation, 33, 254-263. (引用390次) 14. Gong, J.*, Wan, H., Mei, S., Ruan, H., Zhang, Z., Liu, C., Guo, A.Y., Diao, L., Miao, X*. and Han, L*. (2019) Pancan-meQTL: a database to systematically evaluate the effects of genetic variants on methylation in human cancer. Nucleic acids research. 15. Tian J, Wang Z, Mei S, Yang N, Yang Y, Ke J, Zhu Y, Gong Y, Zou D, Peng X, Wang X, Wan H, Zhong R, Chang J, Gong J*, Han L*, Miao X*. (2019) CancerSplicingQTL: a database for genome-wide identification of splicing QTLs in human cancer. Nucleic acids research. 16. Zou, D., Lou, J., Ke, J., Mei, S., Li, J., Gong, Y., Yang, Y., Zhong, R., Chang, J.,Gong, J.,* and Miao, X.* (2018) Integrative eQTL-based analysis of colorectal cancer identified a functional polymorphism regulating SLC22A5 expression. European journal of cancer. 93, 1-9. 17. Ke, J., Tian, J., Li, J., Gong, Y., Yang, Y., Zhu, Y., Zhang, Y., Zhong, R., Chang, J. and Gong, J*. (2017) Identification of a functional polymorphism affecting microRNA binding in the susceptibility locus 1q25.3 for colorectal cancer. Molecular carcinogenesis, 56, 2014-2021. 18. Gong, J., Tian, J., Lou, J., Ke, J., Li, L., Li, J., Yang, Y., Gong, Y., Zhu, Y., Zhang, Y., Zhong, R., Chang, J. and Miao, X. (2016) A functional polymorphism in lnc-LAMC2-1:1 confers risk of colorectal cancer by affecting miRNA binding. Carcinogenesis, 37, 443-451. (ESI高被引论文) 19. Ke, J., Lou, J., Zhong, R., Chen, X., Li, J., Liu, C., Gong, Y., Yang, Y., Zhu, Y., Zhang, Y., Chang, J. and Gong, J.* (2016) Identification of a Potential Regulatory Variant for Colorectal Cancer Risk Mapping to 3p21.31 in Chinese Population. Scientific reports, 6, 25194. 20. Ke, J., Lou, J., Chen, X., Li, J., Liu, C., Gong, Y., Yang, Y., Zhu, Y., Zhang, Y., Tian, J., Chang, J., Zhong, R., Gong, J.* and Miao, X.* (2016) Identification of a functional variant for colorectal cancer risk mapping to chromosome 5q31.1. Oncotarget, 7, 35199-35207. 21. Ke, J., Lou, J., Chen, X., Li, J., Liu, C., Gong, Y., Yang, Y., Zhu, Y., Zhang, Y. and Gong, J.* (2015) Identification of a Potential Regulatory Variant for Colorectal Cancer Risk Mapping to Chromosome 5q31.1: A Post-GWAS Study. PloS one, 10, e0138478. 22. Gong, J., Liu, C., Liu, W., Wu, Y., Ma, Z., Chen, H. and Guo, A.Y. (2015) An update of miRNASNP database for better SNP selection by GWAS data, miRNA expression and online tools. Database : the journal of biological databases and curation, 2015, bav029. (引用112次) 23. Xia, X., Chen, W., Li, J., Chen, X., Rui, R., Liu, C., Sun, Y., Liu, L., Gong, J.* and Yuan, P*. (2014) Body mass index and risk of breast cancer: a nonlinear dose-response meta-analysis of prospective studies. Scientific reports, 4, 7480. 24. Gong, J., Wu, Y., Zhang, X., Liao, Y., Sibanda, V.L., Liu, W. and Guo, A.Y. (2014) Comprehensive analysis of human small RNA sequencing data provides insights into expression profiles and miRNA editing. RNA biology, 11, 1375-1385. 25. Gong, J., Shen, N., Zhang, H.M., Zhong, R., Chen, W., Miao, X., and Guo, A.Y. (2014). A genetic variant in microRNA target site of TGF-beta signaling pathway increases the risk of colorectal cancer in a Chinese population. Tumour biology, 35, 4301-4306. 26. Hong, Y., Chen, X.Q., Li, J.Y., Liu, C., Shen, N., Zhu, B.B., Gong, J.,* and Chen, W.* (2014). Current evidence on the association between rs3757318 of C6orf97 and breast cancer risk: a meta-analysis. Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP 15, 8051-8055. 27. Liu, D.#, Gong, J.#, Dai, W., Kang, X., Huang, Z., Zhang, H.M., Liu, W., Liu, L., Ma, J., Xia, Z., Chen, Y., Chen, Y., Wang, D., Ni, P., Guo, A.Y. and Xiong, X. (2012) The genome of Ganoderma lucidum provides insights into triterpenes biosynthesis and wood degradation. PloS one, 7, e36146. 28. 龚静, 柳纯洁, 缪小平, 郭安源. 人类长链非编码RNA 相关SNP 鉴定与功能预测的研究进展[J].生物技术通报,2015,11:1-8. |
备注 |
获奖情况: 1. 2020年,获湖北生物信息学会“李弘谦青年生物信息学家奖”,表彰“在遗传变异的功能预测方面取得突出成果” 2. 2020年,获教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果二等奖(第三完成人) |